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Network marketing
Network marketing
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Network marketing Network marketing Frequently asked questions          

Network Marketing is sometimes referred to as MLM (Multi-Level Marketing).

Which kind of company is best? Health products. Those I tried were so great I intend staying on them forever. Do you want to build your own business? I get hundreds of emails offering me my own business without working for it. Rubbish. If you don't need to work, why do they need you to sign up? They could do it all themselves.

Mine is different to all other business opportunities. I have my own MLM business with the Neways company and have reached Executive level. I make no retail income - I only charge the wholesale price for health products (but still get commission). I make some money from my downline. But, my upline tells me I am losing commission because I stack them beneath one another. This means that people in my downline earn commission on people that I have put in their downline! This reduces my commission as they obtain promotion, but I don't mind. Five of my downline have become Executive (earning 20% commission on downline I have provided) and broken away from me - leaving me with only 2% commission on their downline when I could be getting 20%. But, I am building a happy Downline that should give me a residual income for life.

Do you want to build a business without working for it? Well, you can with my help but you will have to do something. That something is very simple. Over half the population suffers from some kind of illness and takes something for it, or take supplements hoping they will stave off disease. If you are in that category, all you need to do is change your supplier. Sign up with me and become a Distributor. Then, buy your supplements and other products such as toothpaste, shower gel, detergent, from the company instead of from the supermarket. There are two good reasons - 1) you can earn commission - 2) they don't contain poisonous ingredients which are found in other products, so won't harm you over time.

That's it. I put new applicants beneath existing ones until the person at the top of the leg is an executive. Then I start a new leg. If you like the products all you need to do is use them yourself and tell your friends how much better you are. If your friends are interested they may become your customers. Or even add to your downline.

You may ask why I create Executives if they take my commission? The truth is, it makes me happy to help people. I get emails thanking me for all I do [Peter, what can I say? Thanks so much for putting 2 people beneath me in my first month!! I truly appreciate it as I'll get £15 back - David L]. But, by helping others I help myself. Firstly, it encourages my downline to spend each month because they know they will get a commission - in the case of an Executive, the commission could be more than they spend. That increases my turnover. Secondly, the more Executives I create, the higher I can get promoted which should help me in the long run. If my Executives work at staying Executive, that will create a residual income for me for life.

I am talking here mostly of the UK and Ireland. I would love to recruit you if you are in another country, but I cannot promise to build a downline for you.

To qualify for full commission you will need to invest around £100 a month in health, cleaning, and personal products etc. My partner and I willingly spend over £200 a month with them and receive more than that in commission. We feel better for free. So far we have created four Executives from our downline. Click here to see the products I sell.

Not sure how MLM works? Read on.

The basic idea is that a company has a product to sell. They sell it to somebody who sponsors somebody who sponsors somebody etc. Say the first person sponsors three people who each sponsor three people, who each sponsor three people. The person at the top has a network of 39 people who all buy their supplies through them. The 27 at the bottom gain by paying wholesale, while those above also make commission. This appears not so different from the old way, where a manufacturer advertises their product, then sells to a national wholesaler who sells to a local wholesaler who sells to a shop, each taking a profit along with the shippers. The big difference is that all the profit stays with those in the network. The Network Marketing company gains by spending zero on advertising. In fact, the money saved is often spent on research and development, and many MLM companies are at the cutting edge of their particular technology.
Most new businesses go broke within the first couple of years. There are two methods of starting up a new business which have a better than average chance of working. One is franchising, which is fine if you have a few thousand pounds at your disposal to invest. The other, needing just a few pounds, is network marketing. Even established businesses selling on the High Street are having problems nowadays. Look at Marks & Spencer and even McDonalds. Times they are a-changing, and new shopping methods are taking over. Network marketing offers you a chance to get in to new methods of purchasing.
But don't take my word for it. Donald Trump was recently asked during an interview what he would do if he lost everything and had to start again from scratch. His reply: network marketing. Some of the audience laughed, and he said: "that's why I'm sitting up here and you're down there". Randy Gage was an ex-convict working in a fast-food store and with a huge debt when he decided to get into network marketing. He is now a multi-millionaire.

A success I read about recently was a GP who tried a product, bought 6 samples to sell to family and friends, and 15 months later was an ex-GP earning over £5,000 a month. It can be done by anyone.

How to become a millionaire in 14 months (a true story):

A Japanese businessman decided he liked the idea of network marketing, but didn't have enough time to devote to it. So, he decided that if he recruited one person a month and got them to promise to recruit one person a month, in month two there would be himself and his recruited, plus another one each = four. By month 14 there would be 4,095 people below him in his group, all paying him commission.

He tried it, and it worked very well. He got his family and friends to all join in for a start. Obviously not all followed instructions but in his alloted timescale of 14 months he actually had 30,000 members (because several had achieved more than promised) in his "Millionaires Club", 16,000 of whom spent $100 monthly. His bonus was over US$80,000 that month. So what are you waiting for? Start your own Millionaires Club. Even if you only do 10% as well and it takes 5% longer, that could be £5,000 per month residual income. I know of several distributors who now earn their old annual income in less than a month.

The typical customer for health products for example is a "baby-boomer" (in their 60s) worried about health and income. They have money to spend now, and when they find health products that work, they buy them regularly. Know anyone like that?

Network Marketing companies are like others in that many of them fail in the first few years. Only 29 large companies in the 50-year history of Network Marketing are still around. Make sure you check out any proposition first.